My Story
Hello, my name is Cavan Carlson and from a very young age I was convinced that I was going to be an airline pilot. I started flying at the age of 15 by rebuilding an old open cockpit rear engine single seat powered glider called a “Goldwing”. I built my hours flying local fields and eventually acquired my private pilot’s license at the age of 17. I was on my way to becoming a commercial pilot when I unfortunately came to the realization that I could not get over motion sickness. This forced me to reconsider my options and ultimately pursuing my second passion in life, the markets.
I was first exposed to trading Futures in 2002 by shadowing a more experienced trader. As I continued to learn everything I could about trading, I also furthered my education by pursuing a business degree. Just before graduation I took a summer job at a bank as a stock analyst. This was great exposure to large investments using fundamental analysis. I then finished my education, got married, and started trading Futures fulltime in the summer of 2007.
Even though I had a 400% return during the 2008 crash, I felt like day trading was too risky and inconsistent, so I dedicated every second of every day, spending thousands of hours studying, back testing, and trading. I knew I needed to be original with my approach and trade in a way that is unconventional. I found my edge using Options on Futures, but I soon realized that it would require much more capital than I had at the time.
My wife and I continued working and saving while I prepared for the day that I would have enough capital to trade how I am today. After some tough years of working, saving, investing and starting a successful business, we had enough for me to trade fulltime. So, in the summer of 2019 I quit my job and started trading a small-scale proof of concept account while helping my wife run the other business. I wanted to give myself a couple of years trading my own capital to make sure I was more than capable of managing money for others.
On Jan, 1st 2022 I put every penny we had to our name in my account along with managing money for some family. This was the official start to recording my portfolio for an official track record. At the same time, I also purchased a distressed publicly traded company and became the Controller/President. After much time money invested, I got the company out of the grey market and back to current. I then merged with an experienced and knowledgeable company after vetting multiple candidates for almost a year. Now with the public company out of my control and a three year trading track record, I am ready to manage money outside of friends and family.
I knew from the beginning my returns would not be the highest, or the lowest. My approach is very systematic in order to leave emotions out of the decision-making process. My main objective is to be the most consistent trader and have the most reliable returns with the least amount of volatility.